Mulgoa Road Stage 1

The Mulgoa Road Stage 1 package is one package of the Mulgoa Road/Castlereagh Road Corridor upgrades. It involves upgrade of a dual carriageway motorway with three lanes in each direction across approximately 1.2km, designed to facilitate traffic flow to adjacent streets with additional lanes at several locations. The Project involved significant utility upgrades and relocation, adjustment to the existing bridge structure, multiple complex retaining walls and pavement reconstruction within a densely populated and active brownfield area.

Commercial & Infrastructure were engaged to undertake assessment of Contractor variation claims following the introduction of licensing conditions post tender. This involved detailed analysis of tender allowances and the impact of newly introduced license conditions.

This engagement follows on from our senior management team’s ongoing involvement in the project throughout development, where our staff had also undertaken independent review of the Gate 3 estimate as well as acting as the Independent Estimators during the Interactive Tender Process.